About thirteen years ago I started working online. Since that time I’ve had dozens of people tell me they had an idea for “the next big social media site”.
My response has always been “Forget it. There is no way you can compete with Facebook, Google and Twitter”.
I have changed my mind.
Right now is the first time in a decade or so that it could be done.
All you’d have to do is build what doesn’t currently exist. An unbiased space where people can communicate freely without censorship.
That’s it.
Think you can build the next big social media site? For the first time in a long time the window of opportunity is wide open.
Start coding.
Here I am reading my own comment from almost 2 yrs. ago and I don’t even recognize it. I must have been pissed off. Better than the opposite I suppose? The censorship is what I was pissed at now that I look back. No lawsuit though. I should have known better. I just want peace, tranquility, and zen. All at the same time. Btw, ohm is a powerful vibration, but I just found out about one that is a higher frequency which is HU. Pronounced Hugh. It will literally take excruciating pain away and bring in comfort and love and tranquility. I’ve only tried it once for back pain and it seemed to work but you have to truly know how to meditate or at least be able to relax your inside to your out.
Great minds think alike! So I’m sure there are several wealthy investors out there looking for the next generation social media platform to invest in…
One that isn’t “anti-social” like Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Your idea of building a social media site where people can communicate freely sounds easy, but it’s not.
I would rather invest my money in buying more HEX and staking it and earning up to 40% APY. (A Nice Passive Income!) The Hex community now has 1019 new millionaires.
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Everyone who sees censorship is already on Telegram, everyone else still uses Facebook and doesn’t see the problem or doesn’t care, because the “enemy” is getting banned
I quit Facebook at least 4 yrs. ago. I do see the problem and I won’t be a part of it. Youtube is doing it too. I’m getting fed up. Big lawsuit coming.